Two Stories of California

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After a long silence, I have published two new works of fiction this summer. If you’ve read my other works, you’ll recognize some familiar themes, plus some new ones. Both books are available on, in paperback as well as for Kindle.

The first book, New California, is a full-length novel that took two years of thought and effort to finish. The book description on Amazon speaks to what it’s about, but I’ll offer one spoiler here: it’s my vision of what my adopted home state of California could look like if it were independent of the United States of America. No doubt this raises a ton of questions. I urge you to read the book for possible answers. Writing New California has been both cathartic and humbling for me, in this modern era where many have doubts about the survival of a federal government that bears some resemblance to a democracy.

The second book, The Day We Lost Southern California: A Future History, is a warning. More than ten million Californians are today, in real life, at risk from a nuclear catastrophe at the shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). The sudden release of radiation from the spent fuel rods carelessly stored on site at the nuclear power plant could kill or sicken millions in the region and ruin California’s economy, with destructive impacts nationwide as well as globally. My purpose in writing these mere forty pages is to awaken readers to the need for action to allay the nuclear threat that faces millions all over our nation.

The easiest way to find both books on Amazon is to search “roger gloss california.” Please read, spread the word, and post your reviews and thoughts on Amazon.